Friday, February 17, 2012

Master Microsoft Office 2000 VISUALLY

Master Microsoft Office 2000 VISUALLY

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Master Microsoft Office 2000 VISUALLY Overview

Microsoft Office is the most popular business software package on the planet, and with MASTER Microsoft Office 2000 VISUALLY you can dive into the entire Office suite with confidence and ease. Step-by-step instructions and 1,200 screenshots help you become an expert in all Office tools:
  • Create, edit, save, and print documents and worksheets with Word and Excel.
  • Construct professional-quality slide presentations with PowerPoint.
  • Organize and manage data with Access, Microsoft's versatile database program.
  • Use Outlook to send and receive messages, stay on schedule, and keep track of contacts.
  • Design and create publications with Publisher, Microsoft's desktop publishing program.
  • Build exciting Web pages with FrontPage.

The bonus CD-ROM is jam-packed with tools that make mastering Office 2000 a breeze: Real Player, EarthLink TotalAccess, and a completely searchable PDF version of the book. It also offers Web links to scores of valuable Office 2000 resources.