Sunday, November 13, 2011

#CHEAP Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible

Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible

Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible

CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible

Microsoft Outlook 2000 Programming Bible Overview

Jeffrey Kent and David Jung demonstrate how to customize, extend, and integrate Outlook with Exchange Server and other Office 2000 applications. While focusing on Visual Basic and VBA, the book also discusses WSH, Visual C++, Java/Visual J++, and Windows CE development, as well as ADSI, CDO, and COM add-ins. All code is included on the CD-ROM.