123 Instructions 4 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 (123 Instructions 4 User Guides)
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123 Instructions 4 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 (123 Instructions 4 User Guides) Overview
The 123 Instructions 4 user guides are unique for the following reasons:
1. Alan's review of computer manuals shows that the indexes are not user friendly as he has had problems finding the instruction for the problems he has had. 123 Instructions 4 learning guides have an extensive index where the instructions are referred to in different ways. Just because Alan would refer to an instruction in one way, others may refer to the instruction in another way. An example is Lockups of the computer in 123 Instructions 4 Microsoft Word 2000. The instruction for this problem is also listed in the index as Freeze Ups and Hang Ups, which makes the 123 Instructions 4 learning guides index user friendly.
2. The instructions are text followed by a screen shot. The instructions are written in a 14 font to avoid eye strain. Other learning guides have one picture with arrows from the text to the one picture, which is not as user friendly as having text, which is followed by screen shots.
3. Alan's review of computer manuals shows that the writers of learning guides are experts and therefore unconsciously make assumptions in the instruction they are giving. Alan has had difficulty in following their instructions. Alan is not an expert and the instruction he has received from Guido, Dylan, and Agi has included assumptions. However, since Alan is new to the computer, he has insisted that the instructions have no assumptions so he can use instructions that he is not familiar with days or weeks after getting the instructions.
4. The learning guides Alan has reviewed give the reader a global view of the software, which obscures the solution or instruction for the problem the computer user is having.